Destiny 2’s Infusion System: Maximizing Your Weapon and Armor Potential

Destiny 2’s Infusion System: Maximizing Your Weapon and Armor Potential

In the vast universe of Destiny 2, your gear is the lifeblood that courses through your Guardian’s veins, empowering you to face formidable foes and conquer the stars. As you journey through this ever-expanding cosmos, you’ll find the infusion system to be your best ally in ensuring your weapons and armor meet the challenges ahead. It’s a dance of strategy and resources, where you’ll fuse lesser gear into your favorites to hike up their power level. You’ll need to be smart about it, though, as this process isn’t just about brute force—it’s about finesse. You’ve got to know which pieces to sacrifice and which materials to gather. So, grab your gear, Guardian, and let’s dive into the nuances of the infusion system that’ll keep you sharp, resilient, and ready to dictate your destiny.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the materials and steps involved in upgrading gear is crucial for maximizing weapon and armor potential in Destiny 2’s Infusion System.
  • Gathering infusion materials such as glimmer, legendary shards, enhancement cores, and planetary materials is essential for higher-level infusions.
  • Selecting gear for infusion should prioritize duplicates, as they greatly reduce the cost and resources needed.
  • Infusion strategy should focus on infusing duplicate weapons or armor, prioritizing exotic gear for cost-effective upgrades, and preserving resources for future upgrades.

Understanding the Infusion System


To grasp the infusion system in Destiny 2, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the materials and steps involved in upgrading your gear. This system is crucial if you’re aiming to enhance your power level, which directly impacts your damage output and defense capabilities. When you’re ready to infuse your armor, remember it’s not just about finding a higher-level piece—you’ll need the exact type of armor to proceed. The cost isn’t negligible either; you’ll be spending glimmer, shards, cores, and even planetary materials to complete the process.

The same holds true for weapons. To sharpen your damage output, you can’t just infuse any weapon; it has to be of the same type. This specificity ensures that you’re not just throwing resources at any old piece of equipment but are strategically improving your arsenal. The costs are similar to armor infusion, so you’ll want to stock up on the necessary currencies.

Gathering Infusion Materials


Acquiring the requisite infusion materials is your next step in elevating your gear’s performance in Destiny 2. You’ll need to be strategic about gathering infusion materials to ensure you’re ready for whatever the game throws at you. Remember, the right materials can mean the difference between an average piece of gear and a powerhouse addition to your arsenal.

To help you focus, here’s what you need to keep an eye out for:

  1. Glimmer and Legendary Shards: These are the basic currencies you’ll need, obtainable by dismantling unwanted gear and completing various activities.
  2. Enhancement Cores: These are crucial for higher-level infusions and can be acquired through dismantling high-quality gear or completing certain bounties and challenges.
  3. Planetary Materials: Specific to certain gear, these can be collected from their respective planets or purchased from vendors.

As you grind through activities, keep an eye out for duplicate weapons and armor. Dismantling these can minimize your infusion costs, saving you a significant amount of resources in the long run. Also, remember that exotic items require fewer materials for infusion, so they’re always worth prioritizing.

As you stockpile your materials, it’s time to turn your attention to selecting gear for infusion.

Selecting Gear for Infusion

Once you’ve stockpiled your infusion materials, you’ll need to carefully choose which pieces of gear to upgrade for optimal performance in Destiny 2. When selecting gear for infusion, keep an eye out for duplicates. Why’s that important? Because using an identical item for infusion—be it a weapon or a piece of armor—greatly reduces the cost and resources you’ll need to invest.

Remember, you can only infuse like with like. This means you can’t mix and match different types of armor or weapons; a helmet will only infuse into another helmet, and a hand cannon can only be boosted by another hand cannon. This specificity is key to planning your upgrades without wasting precious infusion materials.

Exotic items are a bit more forgiving on your materials bank compared to their legendary counterparts. So, if you’re deciding between upgrading an exotic or a legendary, you might lean towards the exotic for a more cost-effective infusion.

Lastly, it wouldn’t hurt to have a more streamlined infusion process, right? That’s a common sentiment in the community, with many players suggesting tweaks to lower costs and simplify the system. But until those changes come, you’ll want to infuse smartly to keep your Guardian at the top of their game.

Infusion Strategy and Tips


With your Guardian’s gear selection in mind, it’s time to delve into strategic infusion to maximize your arsenal’s effectiveness. The following infusion strategy and tips are pivotal in enhancing your gameplay without squandering precious resources:

  1. Infuse Like with Like: Always opt for infusing duplicate weapons or armor when possible. This not only minimizes the cost significantly but also helps you preserve your materials for future upgrades.
  2. Exotic Over Legendary: Whenever you’re infusing, remember that exotic gear costs less to upgrade compared to their legendary counterparts. Therefore, prioritize infusing your exotic armor and weapons when you’re looking to save on shards and cores.
  3. Cost-Effective Infusion: Keep an eye on the cost of infusion. It’s advisable to wait for the right moment when you have identical items to infuse, as this will save you a notable amount of resources.

Navigating Recent Infusion Changes

You’ll need to stay alert to the latest infusion changes in Destiny 2, as they can significantly impact your resource management and gear optimization strategies. Bungie’s tweaks to the system mean you’re now facing a more resource-intensive process to power up your favorite gear. Understanding these changes is crucial to avoid wasting valuable materials.

One of the most notable recent infusion changes is the increased importance of using duplicate items. When you infuse an item with its identical counterpart, the cost in resources is substantially reduced. This means you’ll want to hang onto those duplicates rather than immediately dismantling them for parts.

Moreover, infusing legendary items has become more expensive compared to exotic items. This shift demands a strategic approach to resource allocation. You’ll be forced to make tough decisions on what gear to upgrade and when. It’s essential to weigh the benefits of infusing a legendary item versus saving those resources for more impactful upgrades or exotic items.

Adapting to these changes is imperative. You’ve got to find effective ways to save your resources and materials. Keep an eye out for those duplicate drops and plan your infusions carefully. A savvy Guardian knows that managing resources wisely is just as important as a sharp aim in the Crucible.


Frequently Asked Questions

Does Infusing a Weapon Make It Stronger Destiny 2?

Yes, infusing your weapon does make it stronger in Destiny 2. It’s all about power optimization—boosting your gear’s power level to amp up damage and bolster defense. By doing so, you’re prepping yourself for tougher battles. Remember, you’ll need the right materials to infuse, but it’s a smart move for maxing out your weapon’s potential. So, gather what you need and start infusing!

How Do You Increase the Power Level of Weapons in Destiny 2?

You might think it’s tough to boost your weapons’ power levels, but it’s simpler than you expect! Your power strategy should involve playing activities that reward you with higher-level gear. As you collect this gear, equip it or use it to infuse your favorite weapons. Remember, equipping the highest-level gear you find will ensure you’re always ready for tougher challenges and keep your arsenal’s power climbing!

What Happens When You Infuse Armor in Destiny 2?

When you infuse armor, you’re essentially boosting its power to match another piece’s level. It’s a way to keep your favorite gear relevant as you progress. You’ll need materials and currency to do it, but the infusion benefits are clear: higher power levels and improved performance. Remember, it’s got to be the same armor type—helmets with helmets, for instance. This keeps your character at the top of their game.

How Do You Get the Best Weapons and Armor in Destiny 2?

To snag the best weapons and armor in Destiny 2, you’ll want to focus on loot farming. Hit up high-level activities like raids, Nightfalls, or seasonal events where the drops are top-tier. Make sure you’re tackling challenges that reward powerful or pinnacle gear to push your power level higher. Always keep an eye out for exotic quests, too, as they often lead to some of the game’s most potent gear.


In Destiny 2, infuse wisely, gather materials diligently, select gear strategically, and adapt readily. Empower your arsenal, embrace the challenge, and elevate your game. With each infusion, you’re not just boosting stats; you’re crafting a legend, your legend. Remember, the right infusion choices lead to mightier Guardians, and mightier Guardians forge their own fate. Dive in, Guardians, the power is yours to claim.

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